Sailing News

Kite Racing World Championship 2014 in Cagliari

From 12 to 18  May 2014, Cagliari will host the Kite Racing World Championship 2014, Category Master (Over 35) and Youth (Under 20).

Kiteboard Race World Champioship Cagliari 2012
Kiteboard Race World Champioship Cagliari 2012

After the previous two Kite World Championship editions, the first in 2002 with the Kite Cagliari Worlds and the last in the October 2012 with the Kiteboard Racing World Championship 2012, Cagliari will host once again an world event Kite.

The Kite Racing World Championship 2014 for Master and Youth, organized by Yacht Club Cagliari and Mirco Babini, newly elected IKA President, will take place at the Poetto Beach.

The Kiteboard Racing World Championship 2012, with the illusion of Olympic sport status, saw about 200 kiters and showed the world the beautiful city of Cagliari.

“I’m trying to readmit the kite racing at the Olympic Games in agreement with ISAF (International Sailing Federation ) and CIO (International Olympic Committee) and to open the kiteboarding to young people. The CIO seems interested to add Kitesurf in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics Games, but for the final decision will have to wait till 2017″, says Mirco Babini.

The Kite Racing World Championship 2014 for Master and Youth in Cagliari is certainly an important step for these new targets.

The Kite Racing World Championship 2014 for Master and Youth, which will see the best kiters over 35 (Masters) and under 20 (Youth), will take place as a classic regatta: the kiters will have a launched departure and will have to complete a race.

Do not miss the Kite Racing World Championship 2014 in Cagliari: Stay tuned with Kitegeneration and Kiteboarding Sardinia!

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