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Where to Kitesurf in Sardinia: the Best Sardinia Kite Beaches

If you are planning to come for your holidays in Sardinia, do not underestimate the idea to attend a course of kitesurfing: a healthy sport, in a direct contact with the sea, nature and … terribly adrenaline! On this page you could understand the best kitesurfing spots where to Kitesurf in Sardinia and where to learn to Kitesurf in Sardinia. In short, where to Kitesurf Sardinia.

Kite Lessons at Punta Trettu Kite Beach Sardinia
Kite Lessons in Punta Trettu Sardinia

Kite-Spots where to Kitesurf in Sardinia

Now the questions are: Where to Kitesurf in Sardinia? In which kitesurf spots of Sardinia can I learn to kitesurf? Which is the best kite-spot of Sardinia?

Sardinia, as well as being a beautiful country, rich in natural, cultural, culinary traditions and landscapes, has also several windy kite-spots where kitesurfers can enjoy their passion. In fact, thanks to its location, in the center of the Mediterranean, in the beaches of Sardinia, many of which are  away from the bustle of the crowds of swimmers, winds are blowing often (the most frequent winds are Mistral (NW) and Scirocco (SE)) creating the perfect conditions for kitesurfing. Winds and great beaches, conditions that make Sardinia a kitesurfing paradise!

Where to kitesurf in Sardinia: go to southern Sardinia

In Sardinia there are several kitesufing spots, both in the north and in the south of the island.

The south of Sardinia is probably one of the windiest coast of the Mediterranean Sea and therefore rich of kite-spots: Punta Trettu, Poetto of Cagliari, Petrol Beach in Capoterra near Cagliari, Quartu Sant’Elena, Chia, Villasimius, Santa Margherita di Pula, Funtanamare, Porto Botte.

Among others, Punta Trettu is considered one of the best kite-spot in Sardinia and one of the best in Europe and in the world. In fact, with shallow and flat water, Punta Trettu is a perfect kite beach especially for beginners, that can stand up and walk in case of need. In a nutshell Punta Trettu is a kitesurfing paradise. Here in Punta Trettu, we offer kite-courses and other kite services in almost all conditions. In addition, thanks to our Punta Trettu Kite Center Sardinia, here in Punta Trettu we can offer also accommodation, Kite-Cafè and Lounge bar, hot shower, camping services, etc.

Kitesurfing in Punta Trettu Sardinia
Kitesurf in Punta Trettu Sardinia

The main beach of Cagliari, Poetto, between the Sella del Diavolo and the beach of Quartu Sant’Elena, besides being famous for its nightlife, it is also a great winter kitesurfing spot (in the summer is too crowded and there are no kite-zones). At Poetto beach, long approximately 10 km, in the winter season, there is a lot of space. The best winds for kitesurfing at Poetto Beach are the Scirocco and Levante. At Poetto beach every year take place some kite events, like the Kite Foil World Championships. To understand which kitesurfing lessons and kite-courses are proposed in this kite-spot of Sardinia, you can have a look at this page: Sardinia Kitesurfing Lessons.

La Maddalena Spiaggia, better knows by kitesurfers as Petrol Beach, 20 minutes from the center of Cagliari, is the summer kite-spot of Cagliari, perfect with the thermal wind blowing in the hot and synny days of the summer. To understand in which weather conditions and which kitesurfing lessons and kite-courses are proposed in this kite-spot of Sardinia, you can have a look at this page: Sardinia Kitesurfing Lessons.

Another beach for kitesurfing, always in the south-west of Sardinia, is certainly Chia: white beach and crystal clear waters exposed to the winds blowing from south and east. Chia is usually a winter kite-spot (in the summer is usually really crowded) and a kite-spot for expert due to the waves created often present here. For these reasons, kitesurfing lessons and kite-courses in Chia are hardly to manage, especially for beginners, and not recommended.

The bay of Porto Botte is another ideal place for kitesurfing, suitable both for beginners and experts. It is a long bay about 2 km where there are 3  kite spots: Il Fortino, Porto Botte, Is Solinas.

Kitesurf Sardinia: Which is the best kite-spot for kitesurfing in Sardinia?

Kitesurfing Punta Trettu, Sardinia. Punta Trettu is one of the Beast Spot to Kitesurf Sardinia
Kitesurfing Punta Trettu, Sardinia

As seen above, in Sardinia there are many kite-spots for kitesurfing. Now for sure many people wonder: “Ok. But which is the best spot for kite surfing in Sardinia, the most beautiful, the one where the wind always blows?”.

In Sardinia the wind direction changes very often. It may be that Mistral wind (north west, the best kite-spot with mistral is Punta Trettu) or Scirocco (south east, the best spots with Sirocco are Poetto, Chia and Punta Trettu) for a whole week. Or it may be that the Mistral blows for a day, the day after will blow the thermic wind and then scirocco, Grecale (the best kite-spot with Grecale are Villasimius and Chia) or Libeccio (the best place with Libeccio are Geremeas and Villasimius).

As example of what has been written above, you can have look at the following image: it shows the weather / wind forecast for the days of 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 January 2018. As you can see, in this forecast the wind changes direction and intensity every day.

Example of Wind Forecast in Sardinia: the wind Change direction and Intensity every day
Example of Wind Forecast in Sardinia

In case the wind will change direction, you should change kite-spot.

Anyway, we can say that the best Sardinia kitesurfing spot, considered among the best kite-spot in Wurope and in the world is Punta Trettu Kite Beach, the perfect kite-spot with flat and shallow water.

In any case, people that are in Sardinia in holiday and / or for kitesurfing are strongly recommended to have a car to move in the different kite-spots, if and when needed.

NB: If you are not an expert on weather forecast / conditions of Sardinia, to find the wind in Sardinia can be not easy.

Enjoying Kite Lessons in Punta Trettu, the Best Kite Spot of Sardinia
Kite Lessons in Punta Trettu

Learn to kitesurf in Sardinia: go to the best kiteschool

If you are thinking about starting to kitesurf, it is advisable to join a Kiteschool.

In fact, when people start to learn a new sport, which also has a discrete component of risk as the kitesurf, it is really recommended to learn with experienced teachers and avoid the DIY (do it yourself).

Moreover, even if you are already familiar with this great sail sport, it is important to know the kite-spots where to do it.

To choose a kiteschool, you can use word of mouth, perhaps thanks to some of your friends or acquaintances who have already join to some kiteschool in the past. Or, you can take a look at the reviews on google and tripadvisor: from the reviews you can quickly realize if a kitesurf school is good and offers quality services.

Looking at the reviews you can see that one of the best kite schools in Sardinia is KiteGeneration. Founded by people that have turned their passion into a profession, KiteGeneration is the great group to join in for kitesurfing and for learning kitesurf in Sardinia.

KiteGeneration is based Cagliari and Punta Trettu where it is located the Punta Trettu Kite Center Sardinia, in the southern Sardinia. Kitesurfing lessons and kite-courses take place in the kite-spots around Cagliari and in Punta Trettu, by choosing the best kite-spot depending on weather forecast and wind direction. Between these two kite-spots, most of the times, it is possible to find the best conditions to carry out the kitesurfing lessons. Sometimes kitesurfing lessons can be held also in other kite-spots of Southern Sardinia (e.g. Villasimius and Porto Botte), but only in particular cases and favorable weather conditions.

Kite Lessons in Sardinia

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