
Kite Bar: Purpose and function of the bar components


The first 2 lines kites were used exclusively by extreme sports athletes. These kites did not offer any possibility for depowering. The rider was connected directly to the bar using a harness line (like a windsurfer) and fully powered at all times. The invention of 4 line kites allowed depowering. Users of the new kite system were called “chicken”, since they supposedly did not have enough courage to use the “real” 2 line kites – hence the term Chicken Loop.

Function of chicken loop

The Chicken Loop connects the rider with his equipment. This connection must be seperatable quickly in critical situations and reduce the pull of the kite to a minimum.

Types of chicken loop

Different sizes of Chicken Loops allow the adjustment to certain body conditions. Long, wide loops are mostly used for unhooked tricks, while small Chicken Loops are best suitable for hooked moves, or riders with short arms.

IMPORTANT: The Chicken Loop is constantly under pressure and punctual load through the harness hook. It is absolutely necessary, to check the loop frequently for wear and tear and replace early when necessary.


Function of leash

Besides the loop (and the Quick Release), the leash serves as secure connection to the kite. After releasing the first safety system, the quick release, the kite can be disconnected
from the rider fully by releasing the second safety system at the leash. lt is absolutely necessary, to learn and know the process of using this important safety system.

Leash Features

Different riding styles require specific features from the leash. For example length and the position it is connected to the harness.

How to connect the leash to the bar

Taking the risks into consideration, it is possible to connect your leash in a constant, fixed way to the bar system and
therefore the kite.

Normal Mode

Manufacturers suggest the normal safety mode as the standard mode to use their kites! That means, the leash is connected directly to the safety system (safety system working normal).

Semi Suicide Mode

The safety line is connected to a ring at the chicken loop, where the leash is attached to. The safety system is only activated when quick re/easing!

Suicide Mode

The permanent connection is not seperated by quick releasing, but only by using the last safety system at the leash (kite is gone).

Finger / Chicken Stick/ Dig / Dick/ Donkey Dick

This safety stick prevents unexpected unhooking of chicken loop from harness hook.

Important: Check the proper position of the chicken stick frequently, especially before and after tricks.

Quick Release (QR) System

Purpose of Quick release System

The Quick Release seperates the permanent connection (hooked mode) between harness hook (kite boarder) and chicken loop (kite system) in certain situations immediately and securely. The kite’s power is reduced to a minimum
right away the safety leash is the remaining connection between rider and the kite.

After releasing the QR it is recommended to grab the safety system on the leash and seperate from the gear completely if necessary

Function of Quick Release System

The release of the QR System is usually initiated by a push, rotate or pull motion. The according motion (manufacturer dependent), seperates the permanent connection between chicken loop and harness and set
the kite into safety mode.

A common standard of quick release systems is not in sight due to brand specific unique selling points and patent rights on those systems.

IMPORTANT: Constant training with your current safety system helps to get a routine into it’s handling and features, ensures proper reaction in emergency situations and makes kite boarding safe.

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